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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
cup 30
no. 4 GIRNAR +cup & triangl 30
no. 8 +cup & triangle 30
no. 8 GIRNAR +cup & triangl 30
no. one +jug & cup 34
no.1 tea +cup & saucer 30
ntc PRIYA tea +pot & cup 30
oval & cup 14
plant cup & circles 1
plant cup & oval 16
plus BEVERAGES +cup 30
r.k. NO.7 tea +pot & cup 30
radha's new MAYURI tea +cup 30
raja coffee +child & cup 30
rasana +man & cup 28
real GOLD +cup saucer plant 30
real GOLD tea +plant & cup 30
reena GOLD +cup & saucer 30
royal cup 30
royal +cup 30
royal SANGAM tea +horse cup 30
saraf chai +cup 30
sarvashresht +pot & cup 30
shivam ganesh tea +cup 30
shree GIRIRAJ tea +cup 30
shree J.K. chai +cup 30
shree JALARAM chai +cup 30
shree PERRY GOLD +cup sauce 30
shree tea +cup & saucer 30
snakes +cup 5
sona SOONGACHI +cup & leave 30
super cup DUET 30
super cup DUET tea CITY +cu 30
super cup TEA CITY 30
super GOLDEN tea +cup sauce 30
super POWER PACK +cup sauce 30
super SHAKTI tea +cup sauce 30
cup 30
cup 30
supreme ROYAL gold tea +cup 30
surabhi +cup & saucer 30
swad TAPAN +cow cup & sauce 29
t-TIME BF +cup & saucer 30
t-TOWN +cup & saucer 30
tea & MORE +cup & jug 35
tea & MORE +cup jug & circl 42
tea 'N' TALKS +cup & circle 30
tea +cup saucer & oval 30
tea SEVEN +cup & saucer 30
tea TIME +cup saucer kettle 30
tea TOO gold +cup & saucer 30
tea house +cup & saucer 42
tea plus +crown cup & sauce 30
tea pot GOLD +pot & cup 30
tea20 +cup 30
time star tea +star pot cup 30
tip-top +cup & saucer 30
tripti +cup & saucer 30
winner cup +oval 32
woman cup & circle 9, 30, 31
woman cup & hut 30
woman & cup 30
world cup +cup & saucer 30
world cup +cup & saucer 30
cupboard 28, 35
A.D. BRASS cupboard locks 6
GADRE +cupboard & circles 20
NATASHA steel cupboard 20
TEJAL TP +cupboard & circle 20
cupcake & arcs 30
BUTTERCUPP a cupcake shoppe 43
CAKE BOARD +cupcake & circl 9
CHOCOTARIAN +cupcake 30
CUP CAKE FACTORY +cupcake 35, 43
LA SIENNA +cupcake 30
LUSH +cupcake & oval 30
PINK TRUFFLES +cupcake 30
SHABANA'S +cupcake 30
SUGAR DADDY'S +cupcake 43
THE BAKERBOX +box & cupcake 30
the cupcake company +cupcak 30, 43
cupcake 30, 43
cupid 35
cupid & circle 10
SWEET HEART +cupid & heart 14
cups 29
555 special tea +cups 30
7272 +cups & jugs 24
ALOKOZAY +pot & cups 29, 30, 32
cups 30
AMMEZE STAR +stars & cups 30
ASHA chai +pot & cups 30
ASTHA gold tea +pot & cups 30
AT +cups saucers & plants 30
ATC +cups 30
ATM alltime more cups of te 30
BAGWAN tea +plant & cups 30
BELSERI +pot cups & saucers 30
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